Friday, May 16, 2014

I Bleed Green and Gold

In the state of Alabama, we are big fans of the sport of football. Once you are born, you have to pick your allegiance between either Alabama or Auburn. When I was younger, I was a Alabama fan for sure. It wasn't until I got older when I actually made my own decision on who I wanted to go for. I made my decision that I bled Green and Gold for UAB.

If you are not from Alabama, you probably wonder what or who UAB is? Well UAB stands for the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The school has been around since 1969 but did not start any kind of sport until 1978 when Gene Bartow started the Athletic Department at UAB. He is known as being the man that made UAB what is today.

Being a UAB fan in this state is not easy. We always are getting left out of the new reports just because we have not had very successful seasons in most sports. Plus when you have two big schools like Alabama and Auburn in your state, it kind easy to be left behind.

As of late though, things have been looking up for the Blazers with Bill Clark being hired as the new head football coach and Jared Haase doing great things with the Men's Basketball team for the upcoming season. Not only that but other sports(Baseball, Softball, and Men's Soccer) have been getting some national attention.

Now it's easy for people to come out and say that they are a UAB fan. Yes we still get people who ask why, and I can give them a simple answer. I love my team. True Blazer fans are always "Ever Faithful, Ever Loyal". No matter how our team might be that year, we are always standing strong to make sure we show support for our team. We know we still have a long ways to go before we reach the point of success, but we are sure to be there when it happens.

To all the Blazers, let get ready for a new year coming with lots of great things to come in the future. Remember to always be "Ever Faithful, Ever Loyal to Dear Old UAB!!"


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