Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This Block Is A B!tch

So I want to start of by saying that, for me, writing has been an easy way to talk about whatever is on my mind. No matter how big or small, this blog has been the place I could let you guys how whats going on in my brain. Lately I've been having some sort of writer's block going on, and I will tell you one thing about this block. It has been a complete bitch to me (sorry not sorry for the language). Let me explain.

As many of you know, writing has never been a forte of mine most of my life. I never really enjoyed doing writing assignments during school, but that changed ever since I decided to start blogging last year. Now I have people telling me that my writing is actually good. Can you believe that? Someone who never thought of making writing a career, and people enjoy what I write.

Now that I know that I can somewhat write something that people want to read, I want to continue on with this. Enter the writer's block. Lately I have thought about certain things I want to talk about on my blog that I am really interested in or want to speak my mind on. The problem is would people be willing to actually take time from their day and read what I am saying. I know put a lot of effort into what I post, and I want to make sure that people are actually gonna read them. This is when I get to worrying about if people will read my stuff. What if they see the title and decide it not something they want to read? What if they start to read, but they get bored by what I say or don't understand my side? This is what I think about all the time.

Now I have friends who I talk to who say to just write what you want. That my true followers will be interested in what I have to say and will still enjoy it no matter what. I know that what they say is true, but I always have that little voice in my head saying, "You know that people won't like this." It's hard for me to believe that people actually enjoy stuff that I put out into the universe. It's always been a flaw of mine. I'm usually my biggest enemy.

I am hoping that this post will get me to understand that I should just write what I want. I know there will be some people out there who might feel the same as I do. I won't say that everybody goes through this, but I might have at least one person can relate. Whoever you maybe just know that you are not alone. I am going your pain as well. Just know that we can make our writing our passion as well. We just need to let that little voice in our head that says we can't do it out the door and figure out how we can show the world that we can do it!! Hope this wasn't too long of a post for y'all. I just need to speak my mind and let you know how I truly been feeling lately.

1 comment:

  1. You already know what I am going to say!!! But seriously, just put it out there!!! The biggest thing I have found that has helped the following of my blog is that I am authentic, honest, and consistent in my postings. Also a little side note, your font is so hard for my old eyes to read!! It is small and the color is too faint against the white. I usually have to highlight the whole post to see it. Just a thought.


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